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Reflection paper 2: Self-Assessment of Personality
Reflection paper 2: Self-Assessment of Personality
This assignment will give you the opportunity to experience what it is like to administer, score, and interpret a personality assessment.
Take the NEO-FFI, score it, and interpret it using the materials provided below.
Measure: NEO FFI .docx download
Scoring: NEO FFI Scoring.doc download
Interpretation: NEO FFI Interpretation.docx download
Please address the following questions in your paper:
- Results: What were the results? Include your scores for all 5 scales.
- Interpretation: What do these results mean based on the interpretation document? Describe the interpretation for all 5 scales.
- Analysis of Results
- Did you agree with the findings? Why or why not? Be sure to answer this question for each of the 5 scales.
- Describe at least one BEHAVIOR that you do that is consistent with the results
- Describe at least one BEHAVIOR that you do that is inconsistent with the results.
- Personal Experience: Describe your personal experience taking the survey. (e.g., What did it feel like? Was it difficulty? Easy?)
- Usefulness: Do you think this is a useful assessment for a psychotherapy client to take? Does it provide useful information for a therapist?
For all papers, use the following guidelines:
- Length: 400-600 words. 2 points will be deducted if the paper is fewer than 400 words.
- Formatting:All assignments should be double spaced, with 1” margins all around, Times New Roman 12-point font, and no extra spaces between paragraphs. We prefer uploaded assignments to be in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
- Headings: Please include headings in your paper for each of the grading rubric sections (Results, Interpretation, Analysis of Results, Personal Experience, Usefulness)
- Academic Writing:You will be graded on your use of proper grammar, sentence structure, etc., and you should avoid using profanity or slang.
- Due Date: Assignments are due to the Canvas dropbox by 10:00pm on the day they are due. For each paper, you will lose 5 points for every day it is late, even if it is only a few minutes past the deadline. Papers will no longer be accepted 10 days after the due date.