Reflection paper 6: Assessing treatment fidelity

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Reflection paper 6: Assessing treatment fidelity


Reflection paper 6: Assessing treatment fidelity

For this assignment, you will get the experience of evaluating treatment fidelity as it is done in research settings. Randomized controlled trials have used undergraduate fidelity raters in published studies, so this is a task that someone with your experience has been trained to do.  You will be given a video clip of a mock cognitive therapy session. The video clip is 35 minutes long.  You will be provided with the treatment manual for the session and a fidelity rating scale.  You will be asked to watch the video, complete the rating scale, and reflect on your experience. As part of this exercise, you will want to draw on previous class topics including how to establish rapport and cognitive therapy techniques.  You will be required to submit your fidelity rating scale along with your reflection paper. Your actual ratings on the scale will NOT impact your grade on the assignment.  

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This question is taken from Psychological Sciences 150C – Clinical Psychology » Summer 2021 » Reflection Papers