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Chapter 14 Small Assignment
Chapter 14 Small Assignment
Option 1
This exercise is designed to encourage you to think analytically and critically about variations in sexual behavior. Write a short essay in which you answer all of the following questions (keeping in mind that all of your answers will be kept confidential and only me and one of the TAs will see them): (0.3 points will be given for proper formatting and academic writing, including page length and proper grammar).
- Including the low-cut shirt, short dress, muscle shirt, or no shirt at all, have you ever dressed provocatively for the purpose of being seen? In this case, how does this sort of attention make you feel? Have you ever looked appreciatively at someone who was dressed provocatively? Do you feel uncomfortable in doing so? (0.3 points)
- Have you ever kissed or touched sexually in a public place? Did being in a public place make the experience more exciting? Why or why not? (0.3 points)
- Have you ever witnessed kissing or sexual touching in a public place? How did you feel about it? (0.3 points)
- Have you ever overheard someone having sex? How did it make you feel? (0.3 points)
- How does the thought of being overheard having sex make you feel? Do you think it might make you uncomfortable? Could it contribute to the sexual experience? (0.3 points)
- Have you ever seen someone undressing, making out, or having sex when they didn’t know you could see them? If so, did you turn away immediately? Why or why not? (0.3 points)
- How does the thought of being unknowingly watched make you feel? Are you always careful to shut the blinds? (0. 3 points)
- Have you ever accidentally or purposefully bitten, lightly hit, or gently pinched a partner while making out or during sex? Have you ever been the recipient of this? Is it always uncomfortable? Do you sometimes like it? (0.3 points)
- Now that you have answered these questions, what are you overall thought on your preferences and behaviors? What have you learned about yourself in terms of human sexuality? (0.3 points)
Option 2
Watch the documentary: “(A)Sexual” (which can be viewed for free here, as long as you are on campus, using the UCI wifi, or logged into the VPN software: (Links to an external site.) – or you can rent it streaming on amazon for $2.99: (Links to an external site.) ). After watching the film, write an essay in which you briefly summarize the film (0.75 points) and in which you share your own reflections (thoughts, comments, and questions) related to this documentary (0.75 points). In this assignment, there should be more reflection than summary (0.75 points). (0.75 points will be given for proper formatting and academic writing, including page length and proper grammar). TIP: Want to watch this film at home for free (and don’t live in campus housing)? You can download the VPN software here: to an external site. – it is free and easy to download. If you have trouble, please let me know.