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Civil Rights & Representation:
Civil Rights & Representation: “American” in the Arts: Painting & Poetry Discussion Board – Group Four
This discussion assumes you have done all of the work in this Module first. Yes? Okay, here goes! 🙂
You will be posting in your Project Group this week. You will be doing a poetry project with this group later in the course! Please begin your post by answering the following questions for your group:
- What has been most interesting about this course so far?
- What has been most challenging?
- Share one time management tip!
Note: Your group has automatically been assigned a “Leader.” However, if you’ve been assigned to be “leader” and you’d rather not, feel free to ask in your group discussion or announcement section if anyone else would rather be the group leader.
Share some of your thoughts about the two poetry modules you went through and your notes. Specifically, share what you already wrote in response to these questions about the different poems:
- Although Joy Harjo and Corbin Harney come from different tribes, what seems to be similar about their worldview? Provide details from the poem and the song to support your answers.
- Which words and images do they think are the strongest? What stands out for you about this poem after several readings that you did not notice the first time?
- How does the speaker in the poem feel about the ocean? What evidence in the poem tells you this? Why does the speaker call the ocean her relative?
Thinking about what you read, provide some insight into the following questions:
- What did the 19thamendment accomplish and what did it not accomplish?
- Connect this to contemporary issues.
- According to the text, what are several areas where equality between men and women is more apparent, and several areas there is still a large equality gap?
- Are there any areas that you could add to that list that were not in the text?
- Describe a commonality in the struggle for civil rights in various communities.
Write a “Remember” poem of your own, using a similar structure to Joy Harjo’s poem. You can address either, or both, of the following questions:
- What does your particular heritage say are the most important things for you to remember?
- What do you think are the most important things for us to remember to keep the twenty-first-century American community alive and functioning?