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Quiz 3 (Chapters 6 , 7, and 8) Question 1
Quiz 3
1. An athletic director proudly states that he has used the average GPAs of the university’s sports teams and is predicting a high graduation rate for the teams. Why is this method unsafe?
Choose the correct answer below.
- This method is unsafe because it is dangerous to extrapolate into the future. Classes in university tend to become more difficult, which makes it less likely that the average GPA will hold as time goes on.
- This method is unsafe because there is a minimum GPA required to graduate. If the athletic director has incorrectly calculated the average GPA, then it is possible that none of the athletes will graduate.
- This method is unsafe because there is more variation in the GPAs of the athletes than the average GPA of the university’s sports teams. Strong students may offset weak students in calculating the average GPAs, which makes it appear more likely that most students are doing well.
- This method is unsafe because the average GPA may differ for each team. Using the average of the average GPA of each team obscures the possibility that certain teams tend to perform less well in classes.
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This question is taken from Math 2210 – Statistics » Summer 2020 » Quizzes