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Research and MLA Vocabulary
Research and MLA Vocabulary
- ____________________________ is an aggregate of all the authors’ names and their works arranged in ABC order. It is usually the last page in a research report.
- ____________________________ an aggregate list of resources the student researcher reads or reviews to cite information from these resources to include in his original report. This list may include newspapers, magazines, books, videos, recordings, journals, etc.
- ____________________________ a style or citation format usually used in research reports written in English classes and other liberal arts (humanities, for instance).
- ____________________________ a title that consists of resources that take an extended period of time to read, review, or analyze. These titles are always placed in italics when typed, underlined when handwritten.
- ____________________________ is a complete and long version of a citation that includes all the key elements in a given resource (author’s name, title, publisher, city, year) and is placed in the Works Cited page.
- ___________________________ is the shorter version of the longer citation; this information is placed next to cited or paraphrased data taken from an original source. This citation type, when used correctly, keeps the student writer from committing plagiarism.
- ___________________________ a title that consists of resources that can be read, reviewed, or analyzed in a short period of time (songs, short stories, etc.).
- _____, _______, & ________ are three articles/adjectives that should never be capitalized when they are written in the middle of a long or short title.
- _________________________ are words, when less than 5 letters, should not be capitalized when written in the middle of a long or short title.
- _________________________ is provided after the URL in an online bibliographic entry. It indicates when you researched a given source and used the information in your research report as part of your literature review. The date in this section must be inverted.
- _________________________ part of a book that includes key information the student writer will need to compose a complete and accurate long parenthetical citation in MLA for the book. It is also the section/page in a book that grants permission to copy any part of the book.
- The 5 key components in a copyright page are the following: a)_______, b)________, c)________, d)________, & e)_________
Session V Answer Document Space: Please document your responses here:
1.Works cited
2.Literature Review
- Long title
5.Bibliographic entry
- In-text citation
- Short title
- a, an, and the
9 and, but,or,for so, &yet
- Online magazine article and online newspaper article.
11.The Copyright Page
12 a) name of book
12 b) author(s) of the book
12 c) publication city
12 d) year of copyright
12 e) publication company