Discussion: Birth Choices

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Discussion: Birth Choices


Watch the videos on midwives and doulas below.  Take notes on what both a midwife and doulas’ jobs entail to help you answer the questions in the discussion forum. You need to post your answers by Wednesday and then reply to two of your classmates’ posts by Friday.  When replying to your classmates’, you do not have to answer or comment on all of the questions, but if there are one or two that you want to comment on, that is fine.

Doulas (Links to an external site.)

Midwives (Links to an external site.)

1.  What is the cesarean rate in the U.S.?

2.  What are 3 interventions that can occur in a hospital setting?

3.  What are the benefits of a normal birth?

4.  What can a midwife do for a woman giving birth?

5.  What kind of questions should a pregnant woman ask when looking for a provider?

6.  What is a doula and their role in the childbearing process?

7.  How can the doula help the pregnant woman’s partner?

8.  How are doulas useful in terms of the maternity medical staff?

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This question is taken from Health 3 – Women’s Health Issues » Summer 2021 » Discussion