Section 3.3 Homework Question 5 Answer

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Section 3.3 Homework


Use z scores to compare the given values.  Based on sample​ data, newborn males have weights with a mean of 3252.1 g and a standard deviation of 566.2 g. Newborn females have weights with a mean of

3032.9 g and a standard deviation of 646.3 g. Who has the weight that is more extreme relative to the group from which they​ came: a male who weighs 1700 g or a female who weighs 1700 ​g?


Since the z score for the male is z= ____ and the z score for the female is z= _____,the _____ has the weight that is more extreme.

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This question is taken from Math 10 – Introduction to Statistics » Summer 2021 » Section 3.3 Homework