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Module 3: Assignment Discussion Compare and Contrast
For this week’s assignment, I would like you to pick two analytical techniques that we’ve discussed in the past two weeks and compare and contrast them in terms of 1) instrumentation: highlighting how the analyte is being probed and what type of signal is being detected, as well as describing 2) which types of analytes are best suited for analysis by each method, and finally 3) an example of an application of each stating something relevant to the course that you’ve learned from your source and this could be anything from stating why this technique is so suitable for a given analysis (or new analyte), or an example of looking at the validity of an analytical technique or protocol, or even a comment as to the accuracy and errors described, or a great breakthrough in sensitivity or LOD owing to a new label, detector or method, or a new. Really, anything that demonstrates you’ve applied a concept you learned in class to understand something new in the scientific literature. Please note this is not meant to be a deep dive, but should rather be done as succinctly as possible, so one paragraph per technique will suffice and no more than about 500 words in total (less is fine). Do be sure to cite your sources properly (preferably peer-reviewed articles, as well as the textbook), I personally prefer an (author, year) type style such as Chicago. Remember to comment on another student’s post as well!