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Discussion Topic #2: Calcium Homeostasis (Endocrine System)
Calcium homeostasis is critical for maintaining healthy body functions. Discuss the endocrine regulation of calcium homeostasis by answering:
(A) Identify the two major hormones that regulate plasma calcium concentration and the stimulus for their release/activation.
(B) Discuss the mechanisms by which these hormones increase extracellular calcium concentration.
Discussion Topic #2: Calcium Homeostasis (Endocrine System) Answer
A.) The two main hormones that regulate calcium are the parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. The parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a protein hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland, and is regulated by the binding of extracellular Ca2+ ions to the Ca2+ receptors of secretory cells in the gland. An decrease in the plasma Ca2+ concentration stimulates the PTH secretion, while Ca2+ increase inhibits it.