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Discussion Assignment #1
Now that you’ve been introduced to Public Speaking and the models of communication, I want you to take a minute and think about your skills and areas of development. What are some areas of communication or public speaking that you are confident about? What do you feel you are skilled at? For example, do you think that you are effective in identifying the most effective channels for sending your messages? Are you skilled at consistently evaluating the context or worldview/field of experience of the person(s) with whom you’re speaking with, so your communication is enhanced?
Also consider and explain what you believe you need to work on. Do you stutter? Do you have difficulty making eye contact? Do you need to work on crafting your messages (do your ideas get lost between the moment you think about it to when you speak about it?)
Discussion Assignment #1 Answer
I am most confident with the content of my speech. I can write with decent organization and I think this can provide a logical flow to my speech and on how I want the audience to understand my message. I have a knack in writing speeches and I think I can write it depending on the tone and mood I want to set accordingly. But I think the most effective way in writing speeches is to acknowledge the audience first, and then, the content can be organized according to them