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Essay 1
What is the role and influence of the news media in American politics? What is “setting the agenda”? What are the differences between print and broadcast news )both are on internet)? Give an example of the effect of the news media on American politics.
What is the role of the courts in U.S. politics? Why is an independent judiciary so important to our democracy? What are civil liberties and how do the courts protect them? What are civil rights and how have the courts expanded them in recent years? How have the rights of the accused changed? Does all this mean we are “more free” than in the past or “less free?”
Essay 1 Answer
The role of courts in U.S. politics is that it provides the distinct way of discussing, deliberating and passing bills into laws which are integral in keeping the society’s harmony and peace. More importantly, courts serve as the primary elements that drive the senate to deliberate on bills and pass into laws, and it is the courts which provide a legal basis on why or why not a certain bill cannot be enacted into a law. With this concept, courts are just as important as the executive government because it acts as the form of providing justice and legal perspectives in the creation and passing of laws crucial to the foundations of democracy in the United States.