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What is the role of the courts in U.S. politics? Why is an independent judiciary so important to our democracy? What are civil liberties and how do the courts protect them? What are civil rights and how have the courts expanded them in recent years? How have the rights of the accused changed? Does all this mean we are “more free” than in the past or “less free?”
Essay 2 Answer
Freedom, justice, and democracy all mean one thing – the dreams of the American society. These are idealistic terms and concepts that are often tied to the American society but unfortunately, not all acquires or experiences these to the fullest despite living in America or being American citizens. Freedom, for instance, is such a vague and abstract concept that it often alludes to two sides – often contradicting – of the society. Freedom is also often misused and misquoted in various social and political settings that it puts a relevant form of defining what democracy really is