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Essay 2
Submit two paragraphs related to Jordan & Snell (2008). Each paragraph should be approximately 300 words (though I will not be checking). Submit your answers as text directly in the assignment.
1) The first paragraph should be a short summary of the article written in your own words. Be sure to explain the main objective/hypothesis of the article, the study approach/methods, and the main results/conclusions.
2) The second paragraph should draw connections between this paper and the textbook, your own background, or other aspects of the class in general.
Reference: Jordan, M. A., and H. L. Snell. 2008. Historical fragmentation of islands and genetic drift in populations of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus albemarlensis complex). Mol. Ecol. 17:1224–1237.
Essay 2 Answer
The fragmentation and the consequent formation of islands due to the sudden rise in the sea level brought about by the melting of glaciers towards the end of the Pleistocene instigated significant impacts on the diversification of species in the Galapagos Islands. Specifically, analyzing the relationship between gene flow and genetic drift affecting populations can reveal vital insights on the processes involved that eventually led to the diversification of phenotypes and speciation.