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Skeleton Lab Quiz
1. Name three cranial bones.
2. The greater wings are on which bone?
3. The greater wings are on which bone?
4. Name two facial bones.
5.The palatine process is on which bone?
6. The mental foramen is on which bone?
7. What is the first cervical vertebra called?
8. Which bone has the jugular notch?
9. What type of rib does not join the sternum?
10. The coracoid process is on which bone?
11. The upper arm bone is the:
12. Name two carpal bones.
13. Which bone has the pubic tubercle?
14. The lateral leg bone is:
15. Name two tarsal bones.
Skeleton Lab Quiz Answers
1. frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid
2. Skull
3. Sphenoid bone
This question is taken from Anatomy 001 – Introduction to Human Anatomy » Summer 2021 » Quiz