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Lab Exam Questions
1. What is one joint in the human that clearly does not form a 180 degree angle when standing in anatomical position?
2. Why don’t the terms “sagittal” and “frontal” apply when cutting a tube?
3. Identify two things that are not equal about the two halves produced by a midsagittal cut of the body
4. Which terms have similar meanings when referring to surfaces of the human body?
5. How does the structure of dense irregular connective tissue relate to its function?
6. How does the structure of adipose tissue relate to its function of energy storage?
7. How does the structure of dense regular connective tissue relate to its function?
8. Why is the nucleus of an adipocyte not found in the center of the cell?
9. How does the structure of pseudostratified columnar epithelium relate to its function?
10. What is the main function of simple squamous tissue in the kidneys?
11. How does the structure of simple cuboidal epithelium relate to its function?
12. What are the main functions of pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
13. How does the structure of transitional epithelium relate to its function?
14. The stratum ____________of the epidermis is in contact with the basement membrane.
15. Why is it important that the stratum corneum of thick skin is thicker than the stratum corneum of thin skin?
16. How does the structure of stratified cuboidal epithelium relate to its function?
17. Identify three of the body regions studied in lab 2 with names that match bones in those locations
18. Why are mesenteries not necessary in the pleural or pericardial cavities?
19. Briefly explain why serous fluid is particularly important for the lungs?
20. Why are the words concentric, interstitial and circumfrential used to describe the lamellae?
21. Why are surfaces for muscle attachment rough?
22. List at least three different types of tissue found in the bone.
23. In general what does the suffix -cyte mean
What does the suffix – blast mean?
What is a chondroblast and what is its function?
Lab Exam Questions
1. The ankle
2. A tube does not contain a front, back, left or right side so sagittal and frontal cannot be distinguished.
3. The left side would have no appendi. The left side would have most of the stomach and the right most of the liver
4. Ventral and Anterior refer to the same surface of the human body. Dorsal and Posterior refer to the same surface of the human body