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ASSESSMENT: The Sociological Imagination Essay
Please write a statement about guns and then use the sociological imagination to explain how you came to these conclusions.
- Write a statement about feelings/opinions toward guns.
You may either write an autobiographical account of your own attitudes toward guns – gun control/gun rights – or write about someone else’s attitude about guns. How do you, or the person you’re writing about, feel about guns? This is opinion and therefore, there are not wrong answers.
- What larger social forces influenced this opinion?
Here, you’ll be using the sociological imagination to understand how we form opinions.
ASSESSMENT: The Sociological Imagination Essay Answer
I acknowledge the content warning provided at the beginning of the module, which states that the assessments (among others) will tackle issues that may provoke strong emotions. I appreciate the content warning and would like to express that I fully understand the need to discuss these issues.
I have watched and read numerous reports of mass shootings happening in the country