Week 2 Discussion Dying Art Answer

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Week 2 Discussion Dying Art

Please read the article entitled The Dying art of Disagreement (Links to an external site.) by Bret Stephens, found here on the New York Times site

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/24/opinion/dying-art-of-disagreement.html (Links to an external site.)  or watch here on YouTube video from minute 13:45 until 42:45


After reading his article please contribute to the discussion with a 250 (minimum) word argument which supports your argument about something he has written.   If you agree with him share your opinion.  If you disagree with him, by all means, share your opinion.  Below are some examples of questions you might want to tackle.  You need only address one of these in your essay.


  • Does the first amendment protect hate speech; should it?


  • Do identity politics get in the way of a free exchange of ideas and “protect” us from thinking about hard problems?


  • Do people tend to lie to pollsters so they don’t look like someone’s idea of a bigot?


  • Is his strategy for winning the argument for gay marriage with conservatives compelling?


  • What is a “liberal”education and why is it important or unimportant?


  • Is the media doing a good job or a bad job when it comes to fulfilling their duty “to clarify the terms of debate by championing aggressive and objective news reporting, and improve the quality of debate with commentary that opens minds and challenges assumptions?”


  • What can you learn from Mr. Stephen’s when it comes to becoming a better person at disagreeing or critiquing another person’s argument?

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Week 2 Discussion Dying Art Answer 

According to Socrates, the pursuit of knowledge and truth is a constant inquiry. This approach is known as the Socratic method whereby an information is challenged to ensure that it is the truth and not something that is invented to misled people. Constant inquiry and dialogue are critical to allow continuous and free access to truth. Otherwise, an information becomes cemented into an ideology which could be used by those who promote it to oppress and enslave other people. 


Week 2 Discussion Dying Art Answer

The purpose of the first amendment of the US constitution is to give freedom and respect to people the free exercise of their opinion. However, some people find it acceptable to shut down someone who has a different perspective on an issue. According to the first amendment, citizens have the right to peacefully assemble and voice out their grievances to the government. Yet people who speak their opinions are violated because of their views towards sensitive topics

This question is taken from Religious Studies 361 – Contemporary Ethical Issues » Fall 2021 » Discussions