Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » FCS 340 – Marriage and Family Relations » Discussions » Discussion 1 » Discussion 1 Sample Answers

Discussion 1
Answer both 1a and 1b.
1a. Choose one of the 8 theoretical perspectives on the families, and explain how you might use it to understand something about life in your own family, using at least 2 concepts (define and explain, then apply).
1b. Do you want your family life to be similar to or different from that of your parents? In what ways?
Discussion 1 Answer
1a. The Structural Functionalism Perspective or Functionalism views the family in the context of how it affects and is affected by the society. It identifies the functions that a family performs to maintain social balance or equilibrium. This includes reproduction, socialization, regulation of sexual behavior, assignment of status, etc. This includes learning and applying the norms, rules and values of the society we live in.