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Week 3 Discussion Forum
We are learning about issues surrounding human genetics and eugenics, including stem cell research, cloning, and genetic testing and treatment.
- Choose and describe a scientific technique or practice related to genetics and eugenics. Provide the rationale behind the use of this technique or practice.
- Discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding the technique or practice. Is it ever justifiable? Why or why not?
Week 3 Discussion Forum Answer (2)
One controversial technique related to genetics is stem cell technology. Stem cells are produced from embryos and adult cells, specifically from the bone marrow and the umbilical cord. These cells help the injured part of the body to grow cells, thus facilitating rejuvenation (Pence, 2017). For instance, when one suffers from a cut and loses a lot of blood, the body produces stem cell to produce new blood. Later, scientists were able to develop a technique in which instead of relying on natural bodily processes to produce cells, human embryos are utilized to serve as “stem cell batteries” (Pence, 2017).
Week 3 Discussion Forum Answer
One of the scientific techniques related to genetics is in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In this process, a female is monitored during their menstruation cycle and if she is already menopause, the menstruation is stimulated. The ovum is then taken away, which is then fertilized by a sperm leading to the formation of zygote. The zygote then becomes a human embryo after 2-6 days. Subsequently, the embryo is implanted to the uterus of another person acting as the surrogate. The fetus to be conceived is genetically unrelated to the surrogate (Pence, 2017).