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W1 Disc Juul – Juul labs Company
The Ethics of Corporate Responsibility
Read the New York Times article entitled:
Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get ‘Customers for Life’? The e-cigarette company says it never sought teenage users, but the F.D.A. is investigating whether Juul intentionally marketed its devices to youth. Found here:
Question: Is Juul Labs, the producer of Juuls, responsible for introducing their product to underage vapers, potential lifelong users of their product? Are they responsible to keep minors from being attracted to and using their products? Is this a big deal, ethically, and if so why? Be sure to use at least one quote from the article with which you either agree or disagree. Be sure that your argument has a clear conclusion.
W1 Disc Juul – Juul labs Company Answer
A former senior executive said that the Juul labs company was well aware that its advertisements for the products might appeal to teenagers, although it was not meant for them. The firm recognized that young people used its products because they posted pictures of themselves on media platforms (Richtel & Kaplan, 2018).