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Week #3 Discussions: Cultural Appropriation
Whether it is music (Elvis and Eminem come to mind), language, clothing, etc., cultural appropriation is a hotly debated topic that elicits passion from both sides of the debate. The most recent addition to the discussion is Keziah Ginger Daum, who wore a traditional Chinese dress to her prom, causing a fury of criticism as well as some support.
What do you think of Daum’s choice? Is this an example of overreaction or ignorance? Was her choice insensitive, or was she showing appreciate for another culture, as she stated? What dangers does cultural appropriate present? How important is history, tradition and personal fashion in society today?
Week #3 Discussions: Cultural Appropriation Answer
“It was just a dress.” The issue with Daum is based on the concept of cultural appropriation. If she had not stood her ground and apologized for her actions, she would not be shamed about her choice of dress. What I think is the problem here is that Daum have a good point about stating that wearing the dress and appreciating its beauty however she chose the wrong words and the wrong channel to explain her side.