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Week #6 Discussions: Let’s Get Physical…or not
Chances are you have come across Maria Kang in your news feed at some point in the past few years. The “No Excuses” Mom created quite a stir when she posted pictures of her ripped abs and three small children while challenging other new moms to do the same. While some see her as an inspiration, others find her too judgmental is her views of what women should aspire to after having children.
On the other side of this subject is Taryn Brumfitt, who sees the idea of “getting back” to pre-pregnancy bodies futile and urges women to embrace the bodies they have. Whose message do you find most compelling? While Kang’s obviously takes more commitment and work, which is the better approach in the long run? As the Body Image Movement becomes more prevalent, what will the end results likely be? Should everyone simply be happy with what they have become, or would it benefit everyone to strive for more?
Week #6 Discussions: Let’s Get Physical…or not Answer
When I gave birth to my child, the first thought that came to my mind is that my body is amazing because it was able to handle all that pain and pressure, and was able to house my baby for 9 months without breaking down to the final goal, which is birth. I have never thought about my body being broken, or the body I want to have after giving birth.