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A1.Why We Eat (or Don’t Eat)
- Do you ONLY eat when you’re physically hungry and ALWAYS stop eating when you’re physically full?
- What are some reasons why we eat (or keep eating) even though we aren’t physically hungry?
- What are some reasons why we DON’T eat even though we ARE physically hungry?
- Please consider the many personal, social, and environmental factors that influence when, why, and how much you eat (or don’t eat) when answering the above questions.
A1.Why We Eat (or Don’t Eat) Answer
Yes, I did only eat when I was hungry and sometimes, I would wait and eat at night with my family or friends. Later, I realized that it’s not healthy to be eating once a day and at times I wouldn’t eat the correct foods. Now that I work out and have a personal trainer, I follow her meal plan and I have seen a difference not only in my weight but also in my mood and overall, my energy. Before when I was eating once a day and would try to lose a few pounds it was difficult, and it took a while for me to drop 10 pounds