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Discussion Forum Module 3
The client comes to the physician’s office complaining of shortness of breath. He states he has a history of fluid in his lungs and he takes a “water pill” and a “bronchodilator” every day. Both legs are swollen. He also used inhaler cortisone when needed to ease his frequent difficult breathing. His blood pressure is 168/98 and his pulse is 144 beats per minute. Upon listening to his heart with a stethoscope, a third heart sound is noted and abnormal breath sounds. After complete blood work and radiological investigation, the patient is diagnosed with CHF and COPD.
Discuss all of this information with the physician using correct medical terminology.
Discussion Forum Module 3 Answer
Patients with CHF or congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart is unable to sufficiently pump blood needed for circulation. Patient may experience tachycardia or fast heartbeat because the heart is trying to pump in more blood causing it to work twice as hard as normal to try and meet the sufficient amount blood necessary for proper circulation. CHF may also result to hypoxia, which is the insufficient supply of oxygen in the tissue. Patient with hypertension or high blood pressure, and diabetes are at risk for developing CHF.