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Research Project3–Discussion Post III
The 5 major religions in art: (Links to an external site.)
A brief history of religion in art: (Links to an external site.)
Watch this video on Cosmology and Belief: (Links to an external site.)
Respond to the following questions:
- What did you learn that was surprising or just not something you had ever thought about?
- Provide an overview of the video by mentioning a few significant examples of images that help deliver the ideas and beliefs of a divinity
Now select one of the images from Supplementary: Cosmology and Belief – Gallery: Artwork at the end of the page. Read about that work of art. Now write about it.
- Describe it (use your own words) and provide the artist (if applicable, if not it is anonymous), title, date, culture, medium and size.
- What did you learn about it?
- What made you select that image?
What role does art play in your religious practice? If you have no religious practice then just write that. Keep in mind that “art” may mean the structure or architecture of a place of worship, a symbol such as a Buddha or crucifix, or even an altar in your home.
Research Project3–Discussion Post III Answer
“Fetishize the fetishes” or what the Ted Ed video shows us about how art was and has always been a representation of what people believed in. It puts into perspective how religion has always been a part of art because art resembles and portrays what experiences were achieved with the belief of religion. The way people were raised to believe in an embodiment that is belief or also religion creates a strong position on how art was created in order to provide a representation of how the belief is experienced or is felt at the time.