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Discussion Board 4 – Coping
Many people make New Year’s resolutions as they celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another year. Did you make any resolutions this year? Do you know anyone who made resolutions? Have you (or a friend) ever tried to keep a New Year’s resolution? Was it successful? Did your methods match any of the ways of achieving self-control as described in the chapter? For this discussion, make a resolution related to school and academics. Describe at least two methods from the chapter that will help you keep this resolution.
Discussion Board 4 – Coping Answer
A resolution can be defined as a firm decision to do something. I am one of the individuals who celebrates the onset of each year with resolutions and targets for the next 12 months. I also evaluate what I have achieved at the end of the year and what is yet to be achieved. At the beginning of 2021, I made some resolutions that I still look forward to fulfilling by the end of the year. I made resolutions to exercise more, lose 20 pounds, and drink more water instead of soda. So far, the only one that I have achieved is drinking more water instead of soda. Typically, I find myself unable to realize about half of my resolutions by the end of the year, but that does not stop me from making new ones the next year.