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Discussion Board 6 – Social Influence
Your task in this discussion is to create a presentation for elementary school children on reducing prejudice, using at least two (2) elements of the persuasion process (see the text for these). You may do a PowerPoint (6-10 slides) presentation, create a video, or design an activity.
Then explain in a paragraph specifically how it uses the principles (elements of persuasion) to achieve your goal (reducing prejudice).
Discussion Board 6 – Social Influence Answer
The activity that I designed is reducing prejudice among genders of students. The activity will be answering whether the jobs shown in the cards are for girls or boys. The students will determine whether the certain role is for males or females. For example, the first card, will show the role of “scientist”. The facilitator will ask one student what he or she thinks is more fitted for the role of a scientist. After the student answer, the facilitator will ask another student whether he or she agrees with the answer of his or her classmate. It is expected to see that some of the students will think that the role shown is only for a specific gender.