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Week 1 Discussion
- Besides stress, what comes to your mind when you think of doing research? Why do all of the sciences rely on research (ex: sociology, medicine, criminology)? How does research help us to better understand what is going on in the world? Provide an example of prior research that you have learned about and found valuable.
Have you ever used a statistical software program (such as SPSS)? If so, which one(s)? What did you like (or dislike) about it? Why are statistical programs valuable for research? Give an example of a topic that you would like to study where a statistical program could be useful for making sense of your data.
Week 1 Discussion Answer
What comes to my mind when doing research is the careful selection of reference materials, ensuring that these sources are reputable. All sciences rely on research because it is through research that scholars and experts are able to produce accurate, factual, and credible material. By producing accurate, factual, and credible research, researchers are able to provide the public with a deeper understanding of an issue or topic. For example, in one prior research I made in a previous class, I learned that syphilis has been on the rise again after so many years of it becoming almost negligible.