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Discussion Forum on Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
Part I:
Choose one of the following five discussion prompts from the options below, and then respond to the question(s) within it as your initial post on this forum. If there’s a prompt that you notice hasn’t yet been selected by our peers, I encourage you to consider selecting it, in hopes to enrich our discussion about Deviance, Crime, and Social Control even further. Be sure to start your response by letting us know which prompt you chose to explore (for example, you can indicate the number, such as #3) and then proceed to respond to all parts of the question you selected. Note that you may choose to post your response as a video or written response.
- What was the last norm that you broke? Think of the last folkway (rather than a more) that you violated. What was the reaction of those around you? How did it make you feel? Did the reaction affect your willingness to break the folkway in the future?
- Have you ever broken a rule or law that you considered unjust? Why did you do so? Did you organize your “deviant” behavior with other people, or did you violate the norm on your own? What were the repercussions? Did your action result in any lasting social change? Why or why not?
- What are the norms that guide your classroom behavior? What would you consider deviant classroom behavior by students? How did you learn these norms? What are the negative sanctions for those who violate classroom norms?
- Are there any laws that you find to be unfair or legal punishments for crimes committed that you think are too strong, harsh, or outdated? If not, why not? If so, what are they? Why do you think these laws and punishments exist even though they are unfair? What values (and whose values) do they reflect? What do these laws and punishments teach you about power relations in U.S. society?
- Think of some examples that support Durkheim’s idea that deviance can serve positive functions in society. What are situations in which deviance is most likely to have a positive effect on society?
Part II:
What is your “muddiest point” from this module, either from the reading assignment or the related videos? Be sure to include at least one question or general comment about the material, before submitting your initial post. [Note: the “muddiest point” refers to the most difficult or confusing part of the assigned reading and/or related videos].
Discussion Forum on Deviance, Crime, and Social Control Answer
Part I
#1 The last norm I broke was not taking a bath for a few days. It is the norm that people should take a bath every single day. All of my family members take a bath every day. So when they discovered I didn’t take a bath, they ridiculed me but in a mild way. I think it would have been different if it were different people instead of my family. They might gossip about me and such. I was not that affected by their reaction since they are my family so breaking this folkway in the future would be more likely to happen again.