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Teammate discussion 1: economic perspectives
After you have completed the economic perspective survey on Canvas, go back to the 10 issues. Chose two issues of interest to you and one of the answers for each issue.
In a short video, if possible, (or text) for your classmates, explain why you chose those two issues. Then explain why the answer you chose for each is conservative, liberal or progressive. Remember that answer 1 is conservative, answer 2 is liberal and answer 3 is progressive.
Teammate discussion 1: economic perspectives Answer
Military Spending: 3. Lower the U.S. military budget to $500 billion per year. It is progressive, and I believe that military budget should be cut and the savings should be allocated to other government program such as health and infrastructures. I believe that our military at its current status is capable of securing our national interest. We don’t need much high tech weapons to state our capability for national defense. Instead, I think the government needs to refocus on improving the health care service to ensure that the people has the ability for self-defense and to remain strong and healthy especially in this time of pandemic.