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Discussion 2
For this discussion, you need to have watched the Tim Urban Ted Talk from the PowerPoint for the week (if you have not, then make sure you watch it before you do this discussion).
After you’ve watched the video, discuss your opinion on procrastination. How do you deal with it? Do you “suffer” from it? If you are not a procrastinator, what advice do you have for others?
Discussion 2 Answer
Everyone experiences procrastination once in their life. Although, I do not procrastinate nowadays. I remember when I was in elementary. I was easily distracted watching television and tend to forget my homework. However, when I grow up, I realize the value of my time and how procrastination takes up a lot of my time than finishing the important chores. The reasons for doing procrastination instead of finishing a task could vary. This depends on each individual and situation. However, the major reason why people decide to procrastinate is that they fear failing the task