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Discussion 4
Last week, we discussed procrastination and how it might affect you.
For this post, I’d like you to discuss how you’re doing on your first essay. You do not need to discuss details of what you’re writing about, but I would like you to discuss how far you’ve gotten and what challenges you might be facing. Write at least one paragraph for your response.
Discussion 4 Answer
I am writing all the ideas that come to my mind or my first essay. I believe that it is more conducive for me to write whenever I am inspired and in the right mood. The challenge I am facing while writing my essay is getting conscious about how my first draft will turn out. Most of the time, I stare at my computer without typing anything because writing the first draft is intimidating. Sometimes, I also face problems in clearly stating my point and describing comprehensively the topic in my essay. When I experience these things. I go back and read my draft over and rewrite it all over again