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Week Two: Discussion
Please Describe the Four Spheres of the Earth System and Consider why we call them Spheres
Please Describe Why the Concept of Spheres is Important
(be sure to refer to the ideas presented in “The Story of Stuff” and “Earth and the American Dream”)
Week Two: Discussion Answer
The Four Spheres of the Earth’s System include the following: Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Biosphere. All these spheres are connected to each other. The Hydrosphere contains all water forms on earth including oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and others. The Atmosphere is the air contained from the surface of the earth while Geosphere contains the solid forms of the earth such as rocks, minerals, the core, and others. Lastly, the biosphere includes all living forms on the earth. These four are called spheres because each interacts with all the others, thus creating a round or spherical shape.