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Week Three: Discussion
1) How are Space and Place Defined and what is the Value in having a Sense of Place?
2) How has GCC become a “Place” in your personal experience (What kind of response or feelings does it evoke for you)?
3) The painters of the Hudson River School and the Transcendentalist Writers give life to the ideal of “Pristine Nature” in the U.S., But Nature has not always been revered in American history or across the world in different time periods. How do you think the view of Nature might differ for people of other culture groups (if you are an immigrant or child of immigrants does your family revere the outdoors and natural surroundings)?
Week Three: Discussion Answer
1) How are Space and Place Defined and what is the Value in having a Sense of Place?
Space and place are concepts that refer to the domains in which we “work, live, and function.” While both may refer to the same domains, they differ in some ways. Space refers to the physical gap or interval that exists between two objects. It is a location that holds no special connection or value to human beings. A place, on the other hand, is a location that holds value to human experiences. Examples of a place include city, neighborhood, country, university, and others.