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Week Three: Map Mastery
What are each of the elements that make up the Impact Equation: I= P x A x T?
Why are each of these Elements Important (What impact do each of them carry)?
After watching the Video, How do you think We Can Reduce Our Human Impact?
How are the maps included here meaningful in relation to the I-P*A*T equation?
What is the value in each of the different types of involvement in protecting the environment?
Week Three: Map Mastery Answer
Why are each of these Elements Important (What impact do each of them carry)?
The IPAT equation measures the impact of humans on the environment. Each of these three factors are the ways in which humans affect the environment. The higher the population is, the more consumers will there be who will be utilizing the planet’s resources. Affluence and technology also impact the environment because richer countries have more economic activity such as more technology; they have more businesses and plants that need to be powered, more demand for material goods (since the people can afford to buy a lot of them) that lead to pollution of the air, land, and water, and others.