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Discussion Two: Increasing Inequality in the U. S.,
In this article economics Nobel prize winner, professor Joseph Stiglitz argues that inequality in the U.S. is too high and that it should be reduced. He presents policies that could reduce inequality in the U.S. Do you agree with them? Please explain.To access the article please click on “increasing inequality in the United States.” (
Discussion Two: Increasing Inequality in the U. S., Answer
I agree that the inequality is very evident in our society. It is societal problem that remains unsolved despite the government’s effort to change the policies to redistribute wealth and income. Also, tax rates were also changed over the years, but it does not help bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. In fact, changes in the tax rates seems to favor the high paying earners whose income grew, while deprived the low and middle earners the luxury to afford their needs.