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Chapter 6 Assignment
To give you an opportunity to think about the topics we covered in chapter 6 and apply them to your own life. Applying concepts to ourselves helps us to understand them better and remember them better, too!
Skills and knowledge:
In order to be successful in this assignment, you need to be able to
- Understand the concepts we discussed in chapter 6
- Take in the information and come to your own conclusions about the theories
- Be able to write your thoughts clearly with language that your classmates and I can follow
- Engage in dialogue with your classmates beyond just agreeing with them
- Listen carefully to the chapter 6 podcasts. I had a prompt in the podcasts for you to reflect on.
- Write about your thoughts on the prompt and use your own words.
- Remember to give me a well written paragraph. No bullet points!
- Contribute to the discussion board by Friday and respond to 2 classmates posts with something thoughtful (beyond just agreeing with them)
Criteria for success:
In order to get full credit for this assignment, you must
- Respond to the correct prompt
- Share your opinion and your reasoning for your opinion
- Show me you understand the concept, can apply the concept, and have thought critically about this concept
- Engage in a conversation with your group members (at least 2 responses) that goes beyond just agreeing with them
Chapter 6 Assignment Answer
Though all intelligence theories make sense, I think I agree more with Gardner’s multiple intelligences. Everyone is intelligent in their unique ways. Each of us may possess one or two dominating intelligence. This theory may be the reason why we have different professions, talents, areas of interest, or any things or activities we are ultimately good at. Journalists, scriptwriters, and creative writers may possess the linguistic type. Dancers and athletes may have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.