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Chapter 8 Assignment
To give you an opportunity to think about the major theorists we discussed this chapter and come up with your own examples of them. Coming up with our own examples is often a great way to process the information and remember it better.
Skills and knowledge:
In order to be successful in this assignment, you need to be able to
- Understand the concepts we discussed in chapter 8
- Take in the information, form your own opinion, and apply it
- Write about your opinion clearly with language that your classmates and I can follow
- Listen carefully to the chapter 8 podcasts. I had a prompt in the podcasts for you to reflect on.
- Here’s how your stage is assigned
- If you are the first to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 1
- If you are the second to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 2
- If you are the third to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 3
- If you are the fourth to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 4
- If you are the fifth to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 5
- If you are the sixth to respond on the discussion board, you will be Stage 6
- If you are 7th, 8th, or 9th to respond, start again with Stage 1 and work your way down accordingly
- Remember to take your assigned perspective and give both a reason why Heinz was right AND why Heinz could be considered wrong within the reasoning of this stage.
Criteria for success:
In order for you to get full credit for this assignment, you must
- Respond to the correct prompt
- Share your application and your reasoning for it
- Show me you understand this topic and can apply it
Chapter 8 Assignment Answer
This question is taken from Psychology 139 – Developmental Psychology » Fall 2021 » Discussions