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Chapter 14 Assignment
To give you an opportunity to think about late adulthood and longevity.
Skills and knowledge:
In order to be successful in this assignment, you need to be able to
- Understand the concepts we discussed in chapter 14
- Take in the information, form your own opinion, and apply it
- Write about your opinion clearly with language that your classmates and I can follow
- Listen carefully to the chapter 14 podcasts. I had a prompt in the podcasts for you to reflect on.
- Write up your post in paragraph form (no bullet points)!
Criteria for success:
In order for you to get full credit for this assignment, you must
- Respond to the correct prompt
- Share your application and your reasoning for it
- Show me you understand this topic and can apply it
Chapter 14 Assignment Answer
I would love to live until 120 years old provided with some conditions. First, I know that my energy and health will not be as great when I was younger. Most likely I might have developed lifestyle- or age-related diseases that could affect my functioning. If I am still able to perform self-care activities on my own and not so ill to be bedridden, then I would most likely be willing to live that long.