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Discussion Questions (3)
—Below you have 6 questions. You are to answer only one (1) question though.
- How can a country’s customs create barriers to trade? Ask foreign students to describe such barriers in their country. American students should give examples of problems that foreign businesspeople might experience with American customs. (Information)
- Should the United Kingdom exit the European Union? Why might Britain not wish to exit? (Systems)
- Do you think that CAFTA will have a major impact on the U.S. economy? Why? (Systems)
- What do you think is the best way for a small company to enter international trade? Why? (Information)
- How can the United States compete against China and India in the long run? (Information)
- Identify some U.S. multinational companies that have been successful in world markets. How do you think they have achieved their success? (Information)
Discussion Questions (3) Answer
Some multinational companies that have attained success recently are Nike, Nestle and Apple. As for Nike, its success stems from its distinct branding using NBA players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. It has also been able to increase its profit margin through lower production cost by means of outsourcing. It has outsourced the production of its products to facilities in China and Vietnam where some workers are paid below the minimum and there have also been documented unfair conditions of employment.