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Week 12: Essay 3, Ethics, logic, physics, politics, metaphysics, and epistemology
See the full activity with step by step instructions under Pages, Week 12, then refer to the rubric as you draft and revise your essay.
_____ draft of at least 15-page essay (3750 words), presented in introduction and body format (as specified below), in formal academic English free of spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors, and submitted on time, 10:00 am Sat 11/20; in-text citations and Works Cited page for all 24 sources (specified below) prepared in MLA format;
_____ introduction begins by generally introducing topic of focus, then presents the thesis opinion then presents the thesis opinion so far, from the perspectives of ethics, logic, physics (natural science), politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology, then outlines the range of opinions analyzed;
_____ body explains as support for thesis opinion reasons, researched examples, and other evidence, including at least 6 brief quotes from Sacks’ River of Consciousness, 1 quote from each of 6 personally-researched sources, 4 quotes from Goldman’s Lion in Winter, 2 quotes from Shakespeare’s Richard III, and 6 quotes from classmates’ R&J posts, with a focus on the ethics, logic, physics (natural science), and politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology involved; summary of sources is avoided, instead, brief quotes and examples are thoroughly explained as support for thesis;
_____ essay shows good advantage made of the research and journal activities to outline, draft, and revise ideas (score of recent R&J activities).
Week 12: Essay 3, Ethics, logic, physics, politics, metaphysics, and epistemology Answer
Discipline as an Ethical Responsibility: Students and the Academe
Discipline is an integral element to make students successful in their academic endeavors. It entails the understanding of ethics, logic, physics, and politics to fully encompass the need for discipline to ensure student success. Ethics play a major role in every person’s life. Students, for instance, learn the value of ethics through various academic endeavors they wish to pursue. Since the first learning experience in the school playground, students are given the chance to understand the value of ethical considerations and to understand how it is applied to everyday life