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Week 11: Outline of Essay 3, research and journal
See the full activity with step by step instructions under Pages, Week 11, and use the following post summary outline to plan and draft your post. Please copy and paste the post summary outline into your word processor, then fill in your responses to each part. When ready to submit, copy and paste your work into a Reply to this Discussion. No attachments, please.
e3 outline
Working title: ____________________ (change it later if you like)
Thesis topic:
Thesis opinion: student’s conclusions to date on the ethics, logic, physics (natural science), politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology of the topic, as explained through reasons and examples briefly outlined and explained in more detail in the body below
(In essay format, the intro should begin with a general introduction to the topic, then focus on the essay’s specific thesis topic + opinion, and then briefly outline the reasons and research of various sources to be explained in the body as support. For this journal activity, focus on topic+opinion here and reasons/examples below.)
Body (explanation of your reasons for your opinion, supported by research)
- at least 6quotes from Sacks’ River of Consciousness (or alternate online sources while securing text) not previously used, explained with a focus on the ethics, logic, physics (natural science), politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology involved
- at least 1 quote from each of 6 sources personally-researched, online or through contact (after reviewing APA ethical standards on research involving human subjects), explained with a focus on the ethics, logic, physics (natural science), politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology involved
- at least 4quotes from Goldman’s The Lion in Winter, and 2 quotes from Shakespeare’s Richard III, explained with a focus on the ethics, logic, physics (natural science), politics (social science), metaphysics, and epistemology involved
- at least 6 quotes fromclassmates’ R&J posts of recent weeks, with comparison/contrast, ideas for future study, or other ways of relating your classmate’s ideas to your project explained
Conclusion (not required for this outline)
In essay format, the conclusion should be similar to the intro: it should restate the thesis and summarize the argument in fresh-sounding vocabulary, without introducing any new ideas that need support.
Argumentative essays may end with a call to action, recommending what readers should do after following the argument to the conclusion. Experimental research projects often end with implications for future study, i.e., what more may be done on the subject, both personally and by the broader community. For this outline, focus on the intro and body, as above.
MLA format Works Cited page for all 24 (total of weeks 1-10) sources
Week 11: Outline of Essay 3, research and journal Answer
Ethics play a major role in every person’s life. Students, for instance, learn the value of ethics through various academic endeavors they wish to pursue. Since the first learning experience in the school playground, students are given the chance to understand the value of ethical considerations and to understand how it is applied to everyday life. As children, students learn how to know the basics of what is right and what is wrong, and the more it is practiced and applied daily, the more it becomes a discipline.