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Journal 9
For this journal, let’s discuss the importance of women in Frankenstein. Connect Frankenstein’s discussion of women to the explanation of why women smile in Cunningham’s essay. Women in the past were not seen as important, but in the novel, the few women who were discussed were important and crucial to the story. Discuss your opinion about how Shelley used women- remember that Shelley was considered a feminist for her time.
Journal 9 Answer
In the work of Mary Shelley entitled Frankenstein, the characters in the piece were described as disposable, passive, and serving utilitarian roles. For instance, the characters of Agatha, Justine, and Elizabeth provide nothing more but a channel for the male characters in the story. The circumstances and events that happen to the female characters are usually occurring as a lesson for the emotions within the male characters. This serves a specific purpose for the woman in the piece of Shelley. This was observed in the Character of Justine.