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Wk 3 Discussion – Leadership Theory in Action
Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Do you agree with Jobs’ leadership approach? Why?
- What might you do to facilitate a more empathetic collaborative space?
- How would effective collaboration still have allowed Apple to succeed?
- What would you say to a colleague who is being disrespectful, abusive, or aggressive during a collaborative exchange?
Wk 3 Discussion – Leadership Theory in Action Answer
I am a stout advocate of transformational leadership. in my opinion, it provides the best possible channel for collaboration. Steve Job’s use of transformational leadership helped enable Apple to achieve its standards as of date. Change can only be effectively achieved if the members are considered, there is intellectual stimulation, there is inspirational motivation, and idealized influence from the leader, as described in the Powerpoint presentation (Lecture).