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Application Paper 1
In your answers, draw upon relevant observations or insights from the assigned or optional readings, section, and the lectures.
Define racial identity. Identify at least one person or set of people (i.e. family, teachers, friends, celebrities, political figures, etc.) who have had an important influence on your own racial identity. Describe how and why they have influenced your racial identity.
Identify at least one event or experience you have encountered or witnessed that has had an important influence on your own racial identity. This can be something you have personally undergone, or a public event (i.e. an election or a racial controversy in the news). Describe how and why that event/experience has influenced your racial identity.
Application Paper 1 Answer
Racial Identity
Generally, racial identity is regarded as the classification or variation of the human person that is rooted in biological differences which include familiar phenomics markers as skin, color, hair texture, eye shape, eye color, and others that are genetically determined (Omi, & Winant, 2015). Given this definition, I would say that my family had an important influence on my own racial identity. Basically, racial, as genetically determined, means that my parents influenced my racial identity having been biologically produced by them.