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Week 2 Assignment: Healthy People 2020 Strategies Paper
Take one objective from each of the three goals in the Healthy People 2020 infrastructure goals and objectives (Workforce, Data and Information Systems, Public Health Organizations), and discuss possible strategies for reaching the objective (see pp. 142–148, Exhibit 7-1 from your text).
Include the following:
- Clearly define the objective you are providing the strategy for, including the “Number” and “Objective Short Title.”
- Example: PHI-1 Competencies for public health professionals
- Provide one detailed strategy per objective.
- Besides the course book, include information from at least 1 external source (2 references total).
Week 2 Assignment: Healthy People 2020 Strategies Paper Answer
PHI-2 is a Public Health Infrastructure objective that falls on the goal Workforce; this objective focuses on labor force and functioning members of the healthcare field and medical setting, which are the backbone of these fields (Rowitz, 2014). Since the PHI objective focuses on the welfare of the workforce of the medical and healthcare setting, it provides different avenues and platforms to increase professional, medical, personal, and organizational development of the workforce and utilized different methods and strategies to achieve the aforementioned goal (Berege et al, 2018).