Discussion: Week 4 Answer

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Discussion: Week 4

Read about Various Epistemological Positions, and answer the following questionWhich of the two metaphors related to the role of teacher in education is correct in your opinion? Explain your answer by following Directions and Discussion Guidelines.

  1. The teacher is a midwife of ideas who helps the students bring to birth the ideas latent within their minds.
  2. The teacher is a tour guide who leads the students into new and unfamiliar terrain.


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Discussion: Week 4 Answer 


The metaphor I relate to is that the teacher as a tour guide for the students. Schools are new areas of interest for students. A lot of students do not know the real things that happen in it, what should be avoided, and what should be done. Teachers have navigated the academe a lot of times and they act as tour guides who provide all the necessary information that can help a student navigate into the academe

This question is taken from Philosophy 101 – Introduction to Philosophy » Fall 2021 » Discussions