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Discussion Topic #1 (plus Rubric): Myasthenia Gravis
Answer the following questions for this discussion board assignment:
- What is the problem for patients with MG?
- How does MG impact the normal mechanisms involved in the neuromuscular junction and, eventually, skeletal muscle contraction? **Discuss the the NORMAL mechanism at the NMJ for both neurotransmitter release at the presynaptic motor neuron AND the mechanism for skeletal muscle fiber contraction**
- Based on your understanding of the normal physiology mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction and the pathophysiology of MG, how do treatments using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors help MG patients?
Discussion Topic #1 (plus Rubric): Myasthenia Gravis Answer
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic autoiummune disease where patients experience weakness and rapid fatigue of voluntary muscles in the body. Immune cells destroy the acetylcholine receptors of the NMJ, which decreases the number of available receptors. This renders the NMJ unable to transmit enough signals from the nerve to the muscle fibers, thus, a weaker end-plate potential, and weakness and rapid fatigue in the muscles.