Week 9 Discussion: Public Opinion / Campaigns & Elections Answer

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Week 9 Discussion: Public Opinion / Campaigns & Elections

Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards.

When you submit answer, please begin by pasting the question you are responding to in the text field. Then write your answer below.

Discussion question options:


Simple question with potentially difficult implications for American democracy:  Are American voters informed enough to select their representatives and hold them accountable for their actions in office?  Why or why not?


Over the past several decades, some states have introduced policies that make it easier to vote (e.g. mail-in ballots), whereas others have implemented restrictions (e.g. requiring photo ID to vote). In general, which type of policies do you support? Why?


Twenty-seven US states, including California, have some form of direct democracy, where citizens vote directly on policy. There are many proponents and critics of this process; do you think it is beneficial or harmful to allow citizens to vote directly on policy, rather than their views being represented by elected officials?


With  a record $14.4 billion spent in the 2020 federal elections, many often decry the large amount of money spent in American electoral campaigns. Do you believe this is a problem? Why or why not? What could be done about it, if so?


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Week 9 Discussion: Public Opinion / Campaigns & Elections Answer 


Over the past several decades, some states have introduced policies that make it easier to vote (e.g. mail-in ballots), whereas others have implemented restrictions (e.g. requiring photo ID to vote). In general, which type of policies do you support? Why?

In general, I support policies that make it easier for citizens to vote. As it is, even without much restrictions, the voter turn out is already low. The government should address the reasons identified by researchers about why U.S. citizens do not vote.

This question is taken from Pol Sci 21A – Introduction to American Politics » Fall 2021 » Discussions